
West lowland gorilla
West lowland gorilla

west lowland gorilla

Infants have three distinct vocalizations these are similar to the cries of a human baby.

  • Whoop Barks: High-pitched barks denote curiosity.
  • Sharp Grunts: Used when discipline is required.
  • Belches: Deep rumblings of contentment, comfort, or well-being.
  • Hooting: Can carry for a mile through the forest and is usually accompanied by display behavior such as chest beating, strutting, and vegetation slapping.
  • They are considered relatively quiet compared to other primates, but do have at least 25 recognized vocalizations, including: Gorillas use a combination of vocalizations, visual signals and scents to communicate. Typically, they will not actually hit the intruder, but rush past, turn and then charge again. They can demonstrate aggression by charging towards perceived intruders. However, if they are provoked, they can be dangerous.

    west lowland gorilla

    Gorillas tend to be shy, peaceful creatures they are not normally aggressive to other animals unless provoked. This form of locomotion develops calluses on the knuckles, preserving the sensitivity of the fingertips necessary for manipulating smaller objects. They are called “knuckle-walkers,” meaning that they walk on the knuckles of their forelimbs and the soles of their hind limbs. Like all apes, gorillas’ arms are longer than their legs-a feature that allows them to walk on all fours. Like their hands, their feet have opposable thumbs and toes. Gorilla hands and feet are large, with leathery palms and soles, and broad, flat nails Their hands are very dexterous and can pick up small, delicate objects. Gorillas’ faces, hands, and feet are bare, but the rest of their bodies are covered with short, thin hair. Their molars have complicated patterns of cups and ridges that facilitate chewing of tough plant fibers. Gorillas have 32 teeth, including sharp canines used for defense and breaking through vegetation. Researchers use these noseprints as identification markers in their studies, both in zoological settings and in the wild. The wrinkles on a gorilla’s nose, known as a noseprint, are like human fingerprints, and every individual’s noseprint is unique.

    west lowland gorilla

    Gorillas have a prominent brow ridge, small, flat ears, and hear about the same as humans. The vision and perception of western lowland gorillas is similar to that of humans.

    west lowland gorilla

    This crest serves as the foundation for attachment of a great number of jaw muscle fibers, which allows for the chewing power needed to process tough vegetation. The males’ heads are large and pointed due to the sagittal crest that forms the back of the top of the head. Females are a bit smaller, standing between 4’7” to 4’11”. Males can be between 350 and 450 pounds, almost twice as much as females, weighing in between 150 and 250 pounds. Gorillas are the largest of all primates and reach physical maturity between 12 and 15 years of age. They are also able to stand on two legs for short periods of time. This means that they primarily live on the ground, although they do occasionally climb trees to feed and nest. The species is diurnal, which means they are active during the day, and of all the great apes, gorillas are the most terrestrial. In all gorillas, males develop silver coloration along their backs as they mature. Eastern gorillas tend to be black in color and larger in size. Western gorillas can be distinguished from other gorilla subspecies by their brownish-gray hair, auburn-colored crests and overall smaller size. The two species are eastern and western, and the four sub-species are Cross River and Western Lowland (are sub-species of the Western species) and Grauer’s and Mountain (are sub-species of the Eastern species). There are two species of gorilla, each containing two subspecies.

    West lowland gorilla